~Dear readers,i do hope,the tiniest spark bloomed in you..only if more,like a shooting star would be nice..Thanks for passing by~

Thursday, October 05, 2006

"oh freedom" (Tribute to the real Muslim Fighters)

cant hug the same tree like 10 years ago
old kettles aint an antique then
we wait for spaceship to land now
soon a package to galaxy cost less

funny these thought sounds then
yet we put war in front of the door
people are crazy they beat themselves
just to prove that IQ are higher than value

what am i crapping about
less facts unnecessary stress
but those little things which we shut our eyes
escape and shield our warmth

i saw places burned on tv
yet im scared to break a silence
stupid pathetic arrogant weak
but no not cruel

aint it the same thing?

silence drive the road back to the past
where freedom desperately being fought
now..once again.
oh freedom Allah blessed us all with
we destroy!
its 12.35am
every minute is a chance
of freedom to be lost
or freedom to be protected
we pray!
we learn!
we prepare!
we wake!
we love!


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