~Dear readers,i do hope,the tiniest spark bloomed in you..only if more,like a shooting star would be nice..Thanks for passing by~

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


draw an eye,
have no fear for reflection do not lie,
it spoke;

"of the deep will not hurt,
of the dark will not swallow,
of the doom will not haunt,"

betrayal of a knife took place

eye vanish,
lost to the battalion of waves
as the sense in a senseless eye
breed vengeance through disguise

the dance will not stop!

really,reflection never lie,
spoke the eye;

"of the galaxy will i see,
of the world will i be,
of you will i seek,"

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Wall of Rose

staRe. The Wall whispers
blinK. Fear taunts
gulP. Curiousity thirst


ArriVe. Curiosity bows
So Long. Fear ran away
AmaZe. The Wall pray


the wall prisoned by thorns
Rose raised her palms
picking weakest feelings
of tortured aura singing

Rose traced an old place
heads rush reaching to her
Her tiny heart begin to race
her tiny palm turns gray

The Wall stand above the mountain
Singing fears of lost soldiers lost
Curious Rose sends hope in
Into them through her palm into stone

A tiny thorn kissed Rose thumb
Her whole body turns numb
The Wall cries open a thorn less space
InViting.Rose is home.