~Dear readers,i do hope,the tiniest spark bloomed in you..only if more,like a shooting star would be nice..Thanks for passing by~

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Brown Picture Stories

i stopped and stare at the hour
i watch the wind pass me by
i imagine the past as a brown coloured pictures
i went into it and look outside

i see things i dont understand
it frightens me that such thing exist
i reason with myself that it is just stories
when the tell finish it became history

my heart is heavy
my heart has no space
it tightens my spirit
it kills my hope

oh world you are big
i see it now it is full because there is pain
i prefer my little world
my dark worthless world

oh my the pain
its stabbing the inside
oh please stop but it wont
until its course are fullfilled

little i realize that while i was watching the brown picture stories
mine is being written

6.14 am, 26 october 05, welly
edited 18 July 06,11.35pm,wgtn

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